Quadriscupid Aortic Valve with Concurrent Aortic Stenosis and Insufficiency

J Belg Soc Radiol. 2016 Feb 8;100(1):21. doi: 10.5334/jbr-btr.978.


We present the case of a 22-year-old man with a congenital mixed aortic valve dysfunction who underwent cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for the assessment of aortic valve morphology and function prior to valve replacement. Cardiac MRI showed a four-leaf-clover aortic valve morphology, the typical presentation of a quadricuspid aortic valve. The patient underwent a successful Bentall procedure to replace the aortic valve, aortic root and ascending aorta. This case report illustrates the MRI findings of a quadricuspid aortic valve with associated aortic stenosis and regurgitation.

Keywords: MR; MRI; cardiac; magnetic resonance imaging; quadricuspid aortic valve.