Bounding the outcome of a two-photon interference measurement using weak coherent states

Opt Lett. 2018 Aug 15;43(16):3806-3809. doi: 10.1364/OL.43.003806.


The interference of two photons at a beam splitter is at the core of many quantum photonic technologies, such as quantum key distribution or linear-optics quantum computing. Observing high-visibility interference is challenging because of the difficulty of realizing indistinguishable single-photon sources. Here, we perform a two-photon interference experiment using phase-randomized weak coherent states with different mean photon numbers. We place a tight upper bound on the expected coincidences for the case when the incident wavepackets contain single photons, allowing us to observe the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect. We find that the interference visibility is at least as large as 0.995-0.013+0.005.