Globally-Optimal Inlier Set Maximisation for Camera Pose and Correspondence Estimation

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2020 Feb;42(2):328-342. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2848650. Epub 2018 Jun 19.


Estimating the 6-DoF pose of a camera from a single image relative to a 3D point-set is an important task for many computer vision applications. Perspective-n-point solvers are routinely used for camera pose estimation, but are contingent on the provision of good quality 2D-3D correspondences. However, finding cross-modality correspondences between 2D image points and a 3D point-set is non-trivial, particularly when only geometric information is known. Existing approaches to the simultaneous pose and correspondence problem use local optimisation, and are therefore unlikely to find the optimal solution without a good pose initialisation, or introduce restrictive assumptions. Since a large proportion of outliers and many local optima are common for this problem, we instead propose a robust and globally-optimal inlier set maximisation approach that jointly estimates the optimal camera pose and correspondences. Our approach employs branch-and-bound to search the 6D space of camera poses, guaranteeing global optimality without requiring a pose prior. The geometry of SE(3) is used to find novel upper and lower bounds on the number of inliers and local optimisation is integrated to accelerate convergence. The algorithm outperforms existing approaches on challenging synthetic and real datasets, reliably finding the global optimum, with a GPU implementation greatly reducing runtime.