Clinical Evaluation of Preventive Effect of Fissure Sealants on Initial Carious Lesion of Permanent Mandibular Molars Pretreated with and without Fluoride Varnish by Fluorescence Camera

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2018 Mar-Apr;11(2):89-93. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1491. Epub 2018 Apr 1.


The important armamentarium in the present day scenario against caries prevention is considered to be a combination of preventive methods. The present study was conducted to evaluate the preventive effect of pit and fissure sealant pretreated with fluoride varnish on initial carious lesion by fluorescence camera (FC). How to cite this article: Lakshmi MS, Srilatha KT, Nandlal B, Deshmukh S. Clinical Evaluation of Preventive Effect of Fissure Sealants on Initial Carious Lesion of Permanent Mandibular Molars Pretreated with and without Fluoride Varnish by Fluorescence Camera. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2018;11(2):89-93.

Keywords: Fluorescence; Fluoride varnish; Pit and fissure sealant..