A Network-Biology Informed Computational Drug Repositioning Strategy to Target Disease Risk Trajectories and Comorbidities of Peripheral Artery Disease

AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2018 May 18:2017:108-117. eCollection 2018.


Currently, drug discovery approaches focus on the design of therapies that alleviate an index symptom by reengineering the underlying biological mechanism in agonistic or antagonistic fashion. For example, medicines are routinely developed to target an essential gene that drives the disease mechanism. Therapeutic overloading where patients get multiple medications to reduce the primary and secondary side effect burden is standard practice. This single-symptom based approach may not be scalable, as we understand that diseases are more connected than random and molecular interactions drive disease comorbidities. In this work, we present a proof-of-concept drug discovery strategy by combining network biology, disease comorbidity estimates, and computational drug repositioning, by targeting the risk factors and comorbidities of peripheral artery disease, a vascular disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. Individualized risk estimation and recommending disease sequelae based therapies may help to lower the mortality and morbidity of peripheral artery disease.