Dynamic Digestion Models: General Introduction

In: The Impact of Food Bioactives on Health: in vitro and ex vivo models [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2015. Chapter 4.


The first section of this chapter has focused on static digestion models and their specific applications. Whilst these static models have many advantages, they mainly function to mimic the biochemical processes in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and usually use a single set of initial conditions (pH, concentration of enzymes, bile salts, etc.) for each part of the GI tract. However, this simplistic approach is often not a realistic simulation of the more complex in vivo conditions, where the biochemical environment encountered is constantly changing and physical parameters such as shear and grinding forces can have a large impact on the breakdown of larger food particles and the release of nutrients. Several dynamic digestion models have been developed in recent years to address these complex aspects of digestions, and four of these dynamic models will be presented in more detail in the following subchapters. This introduction will provide a brief overview of how the aspects of geometry, biochemistry and physical forces have been addressed in these and other dynamic digestion models.

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