Systems Medicine: hype or revolution?

Per Med. 2016 Sep;13(5):441-453. doi: 10.2217/pme-2016-0039. Epub 2016 Aug 11.


Research and innovation in healthcare can change existing practices aiming at constant improvement of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. As a new holistic approach Systems Medicine (SM) may revolutionize the healthcare system. This paper analyzes ethical and economic obstacles of SMs development from a niche innovation to a standard solution. We adapt a model of innovation theory to structure the barriers of adopting SM to become standard in the medical system. SM has the potential to change the medical system if barriers to this innovation can be overcome. The article discusses the potential of SM in becoming the future health paradigm considering these barriers and provides an overview of the current situation.

Keywords: Systems Medicine; big data; data warehousing; healthcare system; innovation; innovation barriers; medical decision-making.