Isolation and characterization of fusarium wilt resistance gene analogs in radish

3 Biotech. 2018 May;8(5):255. doi: 10.1007/s13205-018-1279-y. Epub 2018 May 14.


The resistance gene analog (RGA)-based marker strategy is an effective supplement for current marker reservoir of radish disease-resistance breeding. In this study, we identified RGAs based on the conserved nucleotide-binding site (NBS) and S-receptor-like kinase (SRLK) domains. A total of 68 NBS-RGAs and 46 SRLK-RGAs were isolated from two FW-resistant radish inbred lines, B2 and YR31, and one susceptible line, YR15. A BLASTx search revealed that the NBS-RGAs contained six conserved motifs (i.e., P loop, RNBS-A, Kinase-2, RNBS-B, RNBS-C, and GLPL) and the SRLK-RGAs, contained two conserved motifs (i.e., G-type lectin and PAN-AP). A phylogenetic analysis indicated that the NBS-RGAs could be separated into two classes (i.e., toll/interleukin receptor and coiled-coil types), with six subgroups, and the SRLK-RGAs were divided into three subgroups. Moreover, we designed RGA-specific markers from data-mining approach in radish databases. Based on marker analysis, 24 radish inbred lines were clustered into five main groups with a similarity index of 0.44 and showing genetic diversity with resistance variation in those radish inbred lines. The development of RGA-specific primers would be valuable for marker-assisted selection during the breeding of disease-resistant radish cultivars.

Keywords: Fusarium wilt; Nucleotide-binding site (NBS); Resistance gene analogs (RGA); S-receptor-like kinase (SRLK).