Work probability distribution for a ferromagnet with long-ranged and short-ranged correlations

Phys Rev E. 2018 Apr;97(4-1):042109. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.042109.


Work fluctuations and work probability distributions are fundamentally different in systems with short-ranged versus long-ranged correlations. Specifically, in systems with long-ranged correlations the work distribution is extraordinarily broad compared to systems with short-ranged correlations. This difference profoundly affects the possible applicability of fluctuation theorems like the Jarzynski fluctuation theorem. The Heisenberg ferromagnet, well below its Curie temperature, is a system with long-ranged correlations in very low magnetic fields due to the presence of Goldstone modes. As the magnetic field is increased the correlations gradually become short ranged. Hence, such a ferromagnet is an ideal system for elucidating the changes of the work probability distribution as one goes from a domain with long-ranged correlations to a domain with short-ranged correlations by tuning the magnetic field. A quantitative analysis of this crossover behavior of the work probability distribution and the associated fluctuations is presented.