Study of chemiluminescence measured by luminometry and its application in the estimation of postmortem interval of bone remains

Leg Med (Tokyo). 2018 May 5:33:32-35. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2018.05.001. Online ahead of print.


A substantial challenge faced by forensic medicine is determining the postmortem interval (PMI) of skeletonized remains. Currently, the luminol method is of limited forensic usefulness, since it uses qualitative and subjective methods to estimate PMI by the naked eye assessing the degree of chemiluminescence (CL) emitted by bone remains, a technique which is not sensitive enough to distinguish between historical or forensically significant time intervals. The aim of the present study was to use a direct and accurate measurement of the CL by luminol technique in relative light units (RLU) using a luminometer to establish this method as a possible complementary and low cost tool for the determination of the PMI for distinguishing between remains of medical-legal (<20 years) and historical (≥20 years) interest in 102 femur remains with a range of PMI between 15 and 64 years. The results suggest that, under favorable conditions, the luminol technique can detect haemoglobin in the bone in a PMI range of 0-65 years, finding significant differences in the CL intensity among samples with PMI < 20 years and PMI ≥ 20 years. In addition, the intensities of CL measured at 10 s, 15 s and 20 s after reaction with luminol show a statistically significant inverse relationship with PMI in the bone studied, following a decreasing logarithmic model. The conclusion is that this quantitative, objective and contrastable technique could be very useful for determining the PMI in bone remains, since it allows a good degree of precision and eliminates the subjectivity introduced by qualitative techniques.

Keywords: Bone remains; Chemiluminescence; Luminol method; Postmortem interval; Relative light unit.