Microscopic study of thermoelectric In-doped SnTe

Nanotechnology. 2018 Jun 29;29(26):26LT01. doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/aabb0f. Epub 2018 Apr 3.


SnTe is a p-type thermoelectric material that is isostructural with PbTe, for which it is a potential environmentally friendly replacement. By doping the SnTe lattice with In, the thermal conductivity of SnTe can be significantly reduced and the thermoelectric conversion efficiency improved. A large number of precipitates were present in the In-doped SnTe samples; based on atomic-resolution high-angle annular dark-field images and electron energy loss spectra, these precipitates were identified as the zinc-blende phase of In2Te3. Through geometry phase analysis, a new phonon scattering mechanism is discussed.