Synthesis of a Novel Type of 2,3'-BIMs via Platinum-Catalysed Reaction of Indolylallenes with Indoles

Chemistry. 2018 Apr 20;24(23):6105-6114. doi: 10.1002/chem.201705417. Epub 2018 Mar 5.


Optimisation, scope and mechanism of the platinum-catalysed addition of indoles to indolylallenes is reported here to give 2,3'-BIMs with a novel core structure very relevant for pharmaceutical industry. The reaction is modulated by the electronic properties of the substituents on both indoles, with the 2,3'-BIMs favoured when electron donating groups are present. Although simple at first, a complex mechanism has been uncovered that explains the different behaviour of these systems with platinum when compared with other metals (e.g. gold). Detailed labelling studies have shown Pt-catalysed 6-endo-trig cyclisation of the indollylallene as the first step of the reaction and the involvement of two cyclic vinyl-platinum intermediates in equilibrium through a platinum carbene, as the key intermediates of the catalytic cycle towards the second nucleophilic attack and formation of the BIMs.

Keywords: allenes; heterocycles; indoles; platinum; reaction mechanisms.