Competitive formation of homocircuit [3]rotaxanes in synthetically useful yields in the bipyridine-mediated active template CuAAC reaction

Chem Sci. 2015 Apr 1;6(4):2398-2404. doi: 10.1039/c4sc03999h. Epub 2015 Feb 3.


We recently identified competitive formation of doubly interlocked [3]rotaxanes as the origin of the non-linear variation in yield of [2]rotaxane with macrocycle size in the bipyridine-mediated AT-CuAAC reaction. Selection of reaction conditions gave [2]rotaxanes in essentially quantitative yield in all cases and hard to access doubly threaded [3]rotaxanes in up to 50% yield in a single, four component coupling. Based on the effect of macrocycle structure on the reaction outcome we propose a detailed mechanism of [3]rotaxane formation.