Airway Management

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


To be skillful at airway management, the provider must know the critical anatomical, physiological, and pathological features related to the airway. They should also be aware of the various tools and methods that have been developed for this purpose. It is additionally important to know the indications, contraindications, and complications of endotracheal intubation. It is vital to understand how to assess the confirmation of proper endotracheal tube placement. Additionally, knowing the differences between the adult, pediatric, and neonatal airways and being well versed with difficult airways is vital as these can significantly impact safe and effective airway control.

The four principals of airway management in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support are:

  1. Is the airway patent?

  2. Is the advanced airway indicated?

  3. Is the proper placement of the airway device confirmed?

  4. Is the tube secure, and is the placement of the tube confirmed frequently?

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  • Study Guide