Viscous Fingering in Multiport Hele Shaw Cell for Controlled Shaping of Fluids

Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 30;7(1):16602. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16830-3.


The pursuit of mimicking complex multiscale systems has been a tireless effort with many successes but a daunting task ahead. A new perspective to engineer complex cross-linked meshes and branched/tree-like structures at different scales is presented here. Control over Saffman-Taylor instability which otherwise randomly rearranges viscous fluid in a 'lifted Hele-Shaw cell' is proposed for the same. The proposed control employs multiple-ports or source-holes in this cell, to spontaneously shape a stretched fluid film into a network of well defined webs/meshes and ordered multiscale tree-like patterns. Use of multiple ports enables exercising strong control to fabricate such structures, in a robust and repeated fashion, which otherwise are completely non-characteristic to viscous fingering process. The proposed technique is capable of fabricating spontaneously families of wide variety of structures over micro and very large scale in a period of few seconds. Thus the proposed method forms a solid foundation to new pathways for engineering multiscale structures for several scientific applications including efficient gas exchange, heat transport, tissue engineering, organ-on-chip, and so on. Proposal of multi-port Hele-Shaw cell also opens new avenues for investigation of complex multiple finger interactions resulting in interesting fluid patterns.