8,4'-Oxyneolignane glucosides from an aqueous extract of "ban lan gen" (Isatis indigotica root) and their absolute configurations

Acta Pharm Sin B. 2017 Nov;7(6):638-646. doi: 10.1016/j.apsb.2017.09.006. Epub 2017 Oct 18.


Three pairs of glycosidic 8,4'-oxyneolignane diastereoisomers, named isatioxyneolignosides A-F (1-6), were isolated from an aqueous extract of Isatis indigotica roots. Their structures and absolute configurations were elucidated by comprehensive spectroscopic data analysis and enzyme hydrolysis. The validity of ΔδC8-C7 values to distinguish threo and erythro aryl glycerol units and Cotton effects at 235±5 nm to determine absolute configurations at C-8 in 1-6 and their aglycones (1a-6a) are discussed.

Keywords: 8,4′-Oxyneolignane; Absolute configuration; Cotton effect; Cruciferae; Isatioxyneolignosides A−F; Isatis indigotica; Threo/erythro Isomers; ΔδC8-C7 value.