Safety of 8-weeks oral administration of Arctium lappa L

Lab Anim Res. 2017 Sep;33(3):251-255. doi: 10.5625/lar.2017.33.3.251. Epub 2017 Sep 27.


Recently, worldwide dietary reference intakes have been considered an important guideline for public health. Some governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide guidelines concerning dietary intake. Although an ingredient may have a history of use as a culinary material, changes in the environment over time suggest that the acceptable maximum intake each of food/culinary material should be regularly evaluated. Arctium lappa L. has been used as a culinary material for many centuries in Korea and Japan and some recent studies have reported related therapeutic effects. However, there are no reports on the safety of repeated oral administration. In this study, we evaluated the safety of a 8-weeks repeated oral intake of A. lappa. We concluded that treatment with <250 mg/kg A. lappa, which was within the safety range, resulted in body weight decrease and blood glucose suppression.

Keywords: Arctium lappa L.; blood glucose suppression; body weight decrement; safety of repeated oral intake (administration).