Performance optimization in ultra-long Raman laser amplified 10×30 GBaud DP-QPSK transmission: balancing RIN and ASE noise

Opt Express. 2017 Sep 4;25(18):21454-21459. doi: 10.1364/OE.25.021454.


We experimentally evaluate the influence of RIN transfer from pump to signal on the transmission performance of a 10 × 30 Gbaud DP-QPSK transmission system using a 2nd-order ultra-long Raman fiber laser amplifier, considering the effect of cavity front-end reflectivity and forward pump power ratio. The evolution of the Q-factors with distance up to maximum reach is monitored for a 10 × 30 Gbaud DP-QPSK transmission system with WDM channels between 1542.94 nm to 1550.12 nm. A maximum transmission distance of 6479 km is found for configurations with low forward pump powers corresponding to the optimal balance between RIN and ASE impairments.