Secondary Reconstruction of Frontal Sinus Fracture

Arch Craniofac Surg. 2016 Sep;17(3):103-110. doi: 10.7181/acfs.2016.17.3.103. Epub 2016 Sep 23.


Fractures of frontal sinus account for 5%-12% of all fractures of facial skeleton. Inadequately treated frontal sinus injuries may result in malposition of sinus structures, as well as subsequent distortion of the overlying soft tissue. Such inappropriate treatment can result in aesthetic complaints (contour deformity) as well as medical complications (recurrent sinusitis, mucocele or mucopyocele, osteomyelitis of the frontal bone, meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess or thrombosis of the cavernous sinus) with potentially fatal outcomes. Frontal contour deformity warrants surgical intervention. Although deformities should be corrected by the deficiency in tissue type, skin and soft tissue correction is considered better choice than bone surgery because of minimal invasiveness. Development of infection in the postoperative period requires all secondary operations to be delayed, pending the resolution of infectious symptoms. The anterior cranial fossa must be isolated from the nasal cavity to prevent infectious complications. Because most of the complications are related to infection, frontal sinus fractures require extensive surgical debridement and adequate restructuring of the anatomy. The authors suggest surgeons to be familiar with various methods of treatment available in the prevention and management of complications following frontal sinus fractures, which is helpful in making the proper decision for secondary frontal sinus fracture surgery.

Keywords: Frontal sinus fracture; Reoperation; Secondary reconstruction.

Publication types

  • Review