The use of laryngeal mask airway in dental treatment during sevoflurane deep sedation

J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2016 Mar;16(1):49-53. doi: 10.17245/jdapm.2016.16.1.49. Epub 2016 Mar 31.


Background: General anesthesia is frequently considered for pediatric patients, as they often find it difficult to cooperate and stay calm during administration of potentially painful treatments. Sedation can overcome these adversities; however, this is challenging while maintaining unobstructed airways.

Methods: The study involved 11 pediatric dental patients treated with LMA under deep sedation with sevoflurane, from 2011 through 2015. LMA size, sevoflurane concentration, and the vital signs of patients were assessed through a chart review.

Results: The age distribution of the patients ranged from 6 to 10 years old. A total of 3 patients underwent mesiodens extraction, while the remaining 8 underwent an surgically assisted orthodontic forced tooth eruption The average sedation period was approximately 45 minutes and the LMA size was 2½. The sevoflurane concentration was maintained at 2% on average, and overall, the measurements of vital signs were within the normal range; the patients had an average blood pressure of 98/49 mmHg, breathing rate of 26 times/min, pulse frequency of 95 times/min, SpO2s level of 99 mmHg, and ETCO2 level of 41.2 mmHg.

Conclusions: Deep sedation with sevoflurane coupled with LMA may be applied successfully in pediatric patients who undergo mesiodens extraction or a surgically assisted orthodontic forced tooth eruption.

Keywords: Deep sedation; Dental treatment; Laryngeal mask airway; Sevoflurane.