Quantitative measurements of dielectrophoresis in a nanoscale electrode array with an atomic force microscopy

Appl Phys Lett. 2017 May 15;110(20):203701. doi: 10.1063/1.4983785. Epub 2017 May 17.


Nanoelectronic devices integrated with dielectrophoresis (DEP) have been promoted as promising platforms for trapping, separating, and concentrating target biomarkers and cancer cells from a complex medium. Here, we visualized DEP and DEP gradients in conventional nanoelectronic devices by using multi-pass atomic force microcopy techniques. Our measurements directly demonstrated a short range DEP only at sharp step edges of electrodes, frequency dependent DEP polarity, and separation distance dependent DEP strength. Additionally, non-uniform DEP along the edges of the electrodes due to a large variation in electric field strength was observed. The strength and apparent working distance of DEP were measured to be an order of a few nN and 80 nm within the limited scale of particles and other parameters such as an ionic strength of the medium. This method provides a powerful tool to quantify the strength and polarity of DEP and allows optimizing and calibrating the device's operating parameters including the driving field strength for the effective control and manipulation of target biomolecules.