Prevalence and Correlates of Physical Dating Violence among North American Indigenous Adolescents

Youth Soc. 2017 Apr;49(3):295-317. doi: 10.1177/0044118X14559503. Epub 2014 Nov 25.


This study examined the lifetime prevalence of physical dating violence, including victimization, perpetration, and the overlap between the two (mutual violence) among a population sample of 551 reservation/reserve residing Indigenous (i.e., American Indian and Canadian First Nations) adolescents in the upper-Midwest of the United States and Canada. Potential correlates of four dating violence profiles (i.e., no dating violence, perpetration-only, victimization-only, and mutual violence) relevant to this population also were considered. The clearest pattern to emerge from multinomial logistic regression analyses suggested that adolescents who engage in problem behaviors, exhibit high levels of anger, and perceive high levels of discrimination have increased odds of lifetime mutual dating violence relative to those reporting no dating violence. Furthermore, gender comparisons indicated that females were more likely to report being perpetrators only, while males were more likely to report being victims only. Considerations of dating violence profiles and culturally-relevant prevention strategies are discussed.

Keywords: American Indian; First Nations; correlates; dating violence; discrimination.