Sago supplementation for exercise performed in a thermally stressful environment: Rationale, efficacy and opportunity

Temperature (Austin). 2016 Jul 19;3(3):384-393. doi: 10.1080/23328940.2016.1211072. eCollection 2016.


Sago (Metroxylin sagu), a carbohydrate (CHO) based dietary staple of Southeast Asia is easily digestible and quickly absorbed, and thus has potential to be prescribed as an affordable pre-and post-exercise food in this part of the world. Compared to other CHO staples, research into the physiological response to sago ingestion is sparse, and only a few recent studies have investigated its value before, during, and after exercise. The purpose of this review is to describe the published literature pertaining to sago, particularly as a supplement in the peri-exercise period, and suggest further avenues of research, principally in an environment/climate which would be experienced in Southeast Asia i.e. hot/humid.

Keywords: Carbohydrate; Cycling; Heat; Performance; Physiology; Recovery; Southeast Asia; Starch; Tropical.

Publication types

  • Review