Proposed score for the self-assessment of an endoscopy department performance in colonoscopy screening

Clujul Med. 2017;90(1):28-32. doi: 10.15386/cjmed-730. Epub 2017 Jan 15.


The aim of the paper was to propose a score for performance evaluation in colonoscopy units.

Method: We proposed a score (CDCD score - Cecal intubation, polyp Detection rate, Cleansing and Documentation of cecal intubation) based on the following parameters that assess the quality of colonoscopy units: total colonoscopies rate, polyp detection rate, rate of cecal intubation photo record, rate of recorded Boston bowel preparation scale (BBPS) (rated 1 to 5 stars). The mean score obtained based on the above mentioned criteria was used as a quality parameter of the endoscopy unit. We applied and calculated this score in all screening colonoscopies performed in our Endoscopy Department during the last 4 years.

Results: The study group included 856 screening colonoscopies. The rate of total colonoscopies was 92.1% (789/856 cases) and the polyp detection rate was 23.9%. Regarding the quality of bowel preparation, the BBPS was recorded in 51.1% cases. The cecal intubation was photo recorded in 44% of cases. We considered that of the 4 parameters, the highest weight for an excellent quality belonged to the cecal intubation rate, followed by the polyp detection rate, because they evaluate the endoscopic technique, while the other 2 are more administrative. Thus, for the unit's assessment we used the following equation: UNIT'S QUALITY CDCD SCORE = (3×cecal intubation rate+3×polyp detection rate+1×photo documentation+1×BBPS documentation)/8. Thus, the CDCD Score for our unit was ≈4 stars (3.7 stars).

Conclusion: The proposed CDCD score may be an objective tool for the quality assessment in different endoscopy units.

Keywords: performance; quality assurance; screening colonoscopy; self-assessment.