National External Quality Assurance Program Pakistan (NEQAPP) -A Milestone in Proficiency Testing in Pakistan

EJIFCC. 2016 Dec 1;27(4):344-350. eCollection 2016 Dec.


Objective: The objective of this study was to highlight current status and importance of National External Quality Assurance Program Pakistan (NEQAPP). Study Design: Cross sectional study.

Place and duration of study: Department of Chemical Pathology and Endocrinology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) from August to October 2015.

Methods: The study data was extracted from electronic NEQAPP database. Results from 2014-2015 were evaluated for clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology, and immunoassay programs. Frequencies of unsatisfactory results of individual analytes as well as of all the participating laboratories were calculated.

Results: Failure rate of newly enrolled laboratories were more as compared to those which were participating for the last two years. The percentages of unsatisfactory results of all laboratories were 19% and 15% in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Fifteen analytes were selected according to their increasing percentage of participation. Failure rate was highest for alkaline phosphatase (35%) followed by creatinine (22%) and urea (20%) in two years analysis. Performance of laboratories in each quarter was evaluated depending upon number of analytes in which they fail to pass. The major failures were due to clerical and technical errors as determined during data compilation of results.

Conclusion: There is an increase in trend of participating in NEQAPP by health care laboratories which is a step towards laboratory quality management system in Pakistan. Nonetheless, there is a need for improving quality of laboratory results.

Keywords: NEQAPP; National External Quality Assurance Program Pakistan; medical laboratories; proficiency testing.