Temporal disorder does not forbid discontinuous absorbing phase transitions in low-dimensional systems

Phys Rev E. 2016 Nov;94(5-1):052138. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.052138. Epub 2016 Nov 23.


Recent papers have shown that spatial (quenched) disorder can suppress discontinuous absorbing phase transitions. Conversely, the scenario for temporal disorder is still unknown. To shed some light in this direction, we investigate its effect in three different two-dimensional models which are known to exhibit discontinuous absorbing phase transitions. The temporal disorder is introduced by allowing the control parameter to be time dependent p→p(t), either varying as a uniform distribution with mean p[over ¯] and variance σ or as a bimodal distribution, fluctuating between a value p and a value p_{l}≪p. In contrast to spatial disorder, our numerical results strongly suggest that such uncorrelated temporal disorder does not forbid the existence of a discontinuous absorbing phase transition. We find that all cases are characterized by behaviors similar to their pure (without disorder) counterparts, including bistability around the coexistence point and common finite-size scaling behavior with the inverse of the system volume, as recently proposed [M. M. de Oliveira et al., Phys. Rev. E 92, 062126 (2015)PLEEE81539-375510.1103/PhysRevE.92.062126]. We also observe that temporal disorder does not induce temporal Griffiths phases around discontinuous phase transitions, at least not for d=2.