The "Triple-Q Algorithm:" A practical approach to the identification of liver topography

Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2016 Oct-Dec;6(4):237-240. doi: 10.4103/2229-516X.192588.


The descriptive identification and interpretation of liver pathology continue to raise debate, especially for trainees and junior physicians. There is wide diversity in the description of liver segmentation with sometimes contradictory terminology between French and American literature. Attempts were made to create a unified nomenclature that simplifies the problem. We propose a simple approach to describe the location of liver pathology in different settings by referring to an algorithm based on three questions. Explanations to answer these questions and correctly describe the location of liver pathology are herein described. In conclusion, we think that the adoption of such an algorithm called arbitrary "the Triple-Q Algorithm" will facilitate the understanding of liver topography for the young physicians, as well as it will allow for the accurate description and localization of the pathological lesions in the liver. This could be achieved after testing and validating this algorism in prospective studies. This could have academic and clinical implications in the medical education and the patient care.

Keywords: Hepatic topography; liver segmentation; nomenclature of liver anatomy.