Coherent destruction of tunneling in graphene irradiated by elliptically polarized lasers

J Phys Condens Matter. 2017 Jan 25;29(3):035501. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/29/3/035501. Epub 2016 Nov 15.


Photo-induced transition probabilities in graphene are studied theoretically from the viewpoint of Floquet theory. Conduction band populations are computed for a strongly, periodically driven graphene sheet under linear, circular, and elliptic polarization. Features of the momentum spectrum of excited quasi-particles can be directly related to the avoided crossing of the Floquet quasi-energy levels. In particular, the impact of the ellipticity and the strength of the laser excitation on the avoided crossing structure-and on the resulting transition probabilities-is studied. It is shown that the ellipticity provides an additional control parameter over the phenomenon of coherent destruction of tunneling in graphene, allowing one to selectively suppress multiphoton resonances.