Food Allergens: State of the Art in Piedmont Region in the Period 2011-2012

Ital J Food Saf. 2014 Jun 6;3(2):1700. doi: 10.4081/ijfs.2014.1700. eCollection 2014 Apr 17.


The US National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases defines food allergy as adverse health effect arising from a specific immune response that occurs reproducibly on exposure to a given food. Undeclared allergens in food label represent a risk for consumers, as there is no therapy for food allergies. According to Directive 2003/89/EC, declaration of all ingredients and derived substances in the label is mandatory. In 2011-2012, in Piedmont region (North-western Italy) 285 food samples were analysed for β-lactoglobulin and 234 for egg proteins. The aim of this work was to analyse 2 years data in order to assess the presence of undeclared milk and egg allergenic proteins in food placed on the market checking the compliance of labeling of food allergens. Analyses were carried out with ELISA tests, both for the detection of the egg and milk proteins. β-lactoglobulin was found in 2.8% (8/286) of samples, while egg proteins in 4.7% (11/234).

Keywords: Egg proteins; Food allergens; Milk proteins.