A case of neutrophilic dermatosis who develop palpable purpura during the use of montelukast

Eur J Rheumatol. 2014 Dec;1(4):170-171. doi: 10.5152/eurjrheumatol.2014.140032. Epub 2014 Dec 1.


In this case report, we present a female patient with neutrophilic dermatosis (ND) occurring as palpable purpura after using montelukast. Neutrophilic dermatoses (NDs) are characterized by skin lesions in which mature neutrophils are predominantly located in the epidermis and dermis in the absence of any infective pathology. Classification of the NDs is based upon the recognition of clinical and pathologic features, as well as the identification of associated diseases, like Sweet's syndrome, pyoderma gangrenosum, generalized pustular psoriasis, and Behçet's disease. Cutaneous findings in NDs are variable and can include vesiculopustules, plaques, nodules, or ulcerations. Drug-induced NDs are not uncommon, but ND with palpable purpura is uncommon. The current patient appeared with a rare presentation as palpable purpura without vasculitis regarding ND. It is important that this is the first case report.

Keywords: Neutrophilic dermatosis; leukotriene receptor antagonist; montelukast.