Coprecipitation experiment with Sm hydroxide using a multitracer produced by nuclear spallation reaction: A tool for chemical studies with superheavy elements

Appl Radiat Isot. 2016 Dec:118:105-116. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2016.09.003. Epub 2016 Sep 6.


To establish a new methodology for superheavy element chemistry, the coprecipitation behaviors of 34 elements with samarium hydroxide were investigated using multitracer produced by a spallation of Ta. The chemical reactions were rapidly equilibrated within 10s for many elements. In addition, these elements exhibited individual coprecipitation behaviors, and the behaviors were qualitatively related to their hydroxide precipitation behaviors. It was demonstrated that the ammine and hydroxide complex formations of superheavy elements could be investigated using the established method.

Keywords: Ammine complex; Hydroxide precipitate; Multitracer; Samarium coprecipitation; Superheavy element; Transactinide element.