Coordinated regulation of hepatic and adipose tissue transcriptomes by the oral administration of an amino acid mixture simulating the larval saliva of Vespa species

Genes Nutr. 2016 Jul 11:11:21. doi: 10.1186/s12263-016-0534-2. eCollection 2016.


Background: VAAM is an amino acid mixture that simulates the composition of Vespa larval saliva. VAAM enhanced physical endurance of mice and have been used by athletes as a supplementary drink before exercise. However, there is no information on the effect of VAAM on the physiology of freely moving animals. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the VAAM-dependent regulation of liver and adipose tissue transcriptomes.

Results: Mice were orally fed a VAAM solution, an amino acid mixture mimicking casein hydrolysate (CAAM) or water under ad libitum feeding conditions for 5 days. Comparisons of the hepatic transcriptome between VAAM-, CAAM-, and water-treated groups revealed a VAAM-specific regulation of the metabolic pathway, i.e., the down-regulation of glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation and the up-regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis and glucogenic amino acid utilization. Similar transcriptomic analyses of white and brown adipose tissues (WAT and BAT, respectively) indicated the up-regulation of phospholipid synthesis in WAT and the negative regulation of cellular processes in BAT. Because the coordinated regulation of tissue transcriptomes implied the presence of upstream signaling common to these tissues, we conducted an Ingenuity Pathways Analysis. This analysis showed that estrogenic and glucagon signals were activated in the liver and WAT and that beta-adrenergic signaling was activated in all three tissues.

Conclusions: We found that VAAM ingestion had an effect on multiple tissue transcriptomes of freely moving mice. Utilization of glycogenic amino acids may have been activated in the liver. Fatty acid conversion into phospholipid, not to triacylglycerol, may have been stimulated in adipocytes contrasting that a little effect was observed in BAT. Analysis of upstream factors revealed that multiple hormonal signals were activated in the liver, WAT, and BAT. Our data provide some clues to understanding the role of VAAM in metabolic regulation.

Keywords: Adipose tissue; Amino acid mixture; DNA microarray; Gene expression; Liver.