Near-infrared III-nitride-on-silicon nanophotonic platform with microdisk resonators

Opt Express. 2016 May 2;24(9):9602-10. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.009602.


We have developed a nanophotonic platform with microdisks using epitaxial III-nitride materials on silicon. The two-dimensional platform consists of suspended waveguides and mushroom-type microdisks as resonators side-coupled with a bus waveguide. Loaded quality factors up to 80000 have been obtained in the near-infrared spectral range for microdisk diameters between 8 and 15 μm. We analyze the dependence of the quality factors as a function of coupling efficiency. We have performed continuous-wave second harmonic generation experiments in resonance with the whispering gallery modes supported by the microdisks.