Facile and High-Yielding Synthesis of TAM Biradicals and Monofunctional TAM Radicals

Synlett. 2016 Apr;27(6):893-899. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1561299. Epub 2015 Dec 23.


Facile and high-yielding procedures for synthesis of monocarboxylic acid derivatives of triarylmethyl radicals (TAMs) were developed. Reaction of methyl thioglycolate with tris(2,3,5,6-tetrathiaaryl)methyl cation smoothly afforded the monosubstituted TAM derivative, which was hydrolyzed to a monocarboxylic acid, with the TAM moiety attached to thioglycolic acid via the sulfur atom. Alternatively, the diamagnetic tricarboxylic acid precursor of Finland trityl was transformed to a trimethyl ester and partially hydrolyzed under controlled conditions. The diester product was isolated and the remaining fractions were converted back to the trimethyl ester for production of more diester. The first representatives of TAM biradicals with different TAM cores and interspin distances were obtained by reaction of these new TAM monocaboxylic acids with N,N'-dimethylethylenediamine.

Keywords: TAM derivatives; biradicals; free radicals; persistent triarylmethyls; spin labels.