Components of Boiogito Suppress the Progression of Hypercholesterolemia and Fatty Liver Induced by High-Cholesterol Diet in Rats

Yonago Acta Med. 2016 Mar;59(1):67-80. Epub 2016 Apr 1.


Background: Ogi, one main component of boiogito (BOT), is reported to have an effect on hypercholesterolemia and NAFLD. In this experiment, we examined effects of ogi on the progression of hypercholesterolemia and fatty liver induced by high-cholesterol diet in rats and compared with the effects of ogi combined with ginger or hesperidin.

Methods: Hypercholesterolemia and fatty liver were induced by a high cholesterol diet in rats. Extract of ogi, ogi with hesperidin, and ogi with ginger were added to the high-cholesterol diet, respectively. Ezetimibe was also added to the high-cholesterol diet as a positive control. After 6 and 12 weeks, body, liver and adipose tissue weights, blood chemistry, lipid-related and inflammatory-related factors were examined.

Results: The high cholesterol diet increased body, liver and adipose tissue weights, and serum cholesterol concentrations. Ogi, ogi with hesperidin or ginger and ezetimibe improved them. In the histological examinations, we observed a significant improvement after treatment. The lipid-related factors (RBP4, HFABP and CFABP) were improved by treatment. Biomarkers of cholesterol synthesis (lathosterol) and absorption (campesterol, beta-sitosterol) were lower in the treatment groups. Inflammatory-related factors (MCP1, CCR2 and TNF-alpha) and ICAM-1 were ameliorated after treatment, especially by ogi with ginger.

Conclusion: Ogi, ogi with hesperidin or ginger have a similar effect of BOT and ezetimibe on hypercholesterolemia and fatty liver. Ogi with ginger reveals a stronger additive effect with no significant difference. However, as for the anti-inflammatory (MCP1, CCR2 and TNF-alpha) and anti-arteriosclerotic (ICAM-1) effects, additive effects of ogi with ginger are more potent than that of ogi alone or ezetimibe.

Keywords: fatty liver; ginger; hesperidin; hypercholesterolemia; ogi.