The microscopic structure of mono-disperse granular heaps and sediments of particles on inclined surfaces

Soft Matter. 2016 Apr 7;12(13):3184-8. doi: 10.1039/c5sm03114a. Epub 2016 Feb 19.


Granular heaps of particles created by deposition of mono-disperse particles raining from an extended source of finite size are characterized by a non-homogeneous field of density. It was speculated that this inhomogeneity is due to the transient shape of the sediment during the process of construction of the heap, thus reflecting the history of the creation of the heap. By comparison of structural characteristics of the heap with sediments created on top of inclined planes exploiting the method of Minkowski tensors, we provide further evidence to support this hypothesis. Moreover, for the case of sediments generated by homogeneous rain on surfaces, we provide relationships between the inclination of the surface and the Minkowski measures characterizing the isotropy of local particle environments.