Vegetable product containing caseinomacropeptide and germinated seed and sprouts

J Food Sci Technol. 2016 Jan;53(1):880-7. doi: 10.1007/s13197-015-2059-x. Epub 2015 Oct 23.


In this study vegetable product containing germinated seed and sprouts of lentils and cowpeas, and caseinomacropeptide isolated from whey is produced. Three different forms of vegetable product namely puree (VP), freeze-dried (FD) and drum-dried (DD) are produced. Freeze-dried and DD forms are produced to diversify forms of utilization and to improve functionality such as increased shelf life and decreased storage space. Their beneficial effects on health are determined using in vitro methods. All forms displayed antioxidant activities against DPPH radical and oxygen radical, α-amylase inhibitory activities, bile acid binding capacities, and angiotension converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activities. Freeze-dried product exhibited the strongest inhibition on α-amylase and ACE with the IC50 value 0.09 μM total phenolic and 0.82 mg protein/g sample, respectively when evaluated on the basis of serving size.

Keywords: ACE inhibitory activity; Caseinomacropeptide; Germination; in vitro antidiabetic activity; in vitro bile acid binding activity.