Infectious Considerations in the Pre-Transplant Evaluation of Cirrhotic Patients Awaiting Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2016 Jan;18(2):4. doi: 10.1007/s11908-015-0514-5.


The incidence of end-stage liver disease (ESLD) is increasing and many of these patients may be considered for orthotopic liver transplantation. As patients with ESLD are at risk of a number of infections, infectious disease physicians should be aware of the management of these infections in order to provide optimal patient care and ensure transplantation success. We present a review of the literature pertaining to infectious disease considerations in the liver transplant candidate. It highlights several topics with recent developments including the management of hepatitis C virus infection prior to transplantation, treatment of hepatitis B virus infection, colonization and infection with multidrug resistant organisms, and management of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.

Keywords: Cirrhosis; Decolonization; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; Infection; Liver; Multidrug resistant organisms; Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; Transplantation.