TP53 codon 72 polymorphic variants (Rs1042522) frequency in the Ukrainian population

Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2015 Dec:20:414-9.
[Article in English, Ukrainian]


Objective: To estimate frequencies of polymorphic variants of TP53 codon 72 in the Ukrainian population.

Materials and methods: We determined the allele frequencies for 148 healthy people. Genotyping was performed by allele specific polymerase chain reaction.

Results: We identified 31 individuals (20.9 %) with Arg/Arg genotype, Arg/Pro genotype was identified for 116 indi viduals (78.4 %), whereas genotype Pro/Pro was rare and was found in one person only (0.7 %). Genotype distribu tions were not within Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (χ2 = 59,7, p < 0.0001).

Conclusions: Arg and Pro allele frequencies in the population of Ukraine are 60 and 40 % respectively, which is sig nificantly differ from the frequencies described in the literature for Poland, the Czech Republic, the USA and Brazil.

Meta. Vyznachyty chastotu aleliv Arg ta Pro kodonu 72 gena TP53 sered naselennia UkraIny.Metody. Chastotu aleliv vyznachaly dlia 148 umovno zdorovykh liudey. Genotypuvannia provodyly metodom alel' spetsyfichnoI polimeraznoI lantsiugovoI reaktsiI.Rezul'taty. Genotypom Arg/Arg kharakteryzuvalys' 31 osoba (20,9 %), genotypom Arg/Pro – 116 osib (78,4 %), todi iak genotyp Pro/Pro identyfikovano lyshe u 1 liudyny (0,7 %). Rozpodil otrymanykh chastot genotypiv ne vidpovidaie rivnovazi Khardi Vaynberga (χ2=59,7, p<0,0001).Vysnovok. Chastoty aleliv Arg ta Pro v populiatsiI UkraIny stanovliat' 60 ta 40 % vidpovidno, shcho statystychno vidrizniaiet'sia vid chastot, kharakternykh dlia Pol'shchi, ChekhiI, SShA ta BrazyliI.

Keywords: UV radiation; codon 72 polymorphism; gene TP53; the cancer risk.