Mechanism of Nitric Oxide Oxidation Reaction (2NO + O2 → 2NO2) Revisited

J Chem Theory Comput. 2011 Jul 12;7(7):2021-4. doi: 10.1021/ct100754m. Epub 2011 Jun 9.


The reaction between molecular oxygen and two nitric oxide(II) molecules is studied with high-level ab initio wave function methods, including geometry optimizations with coupled cluster (CCSD(T,full)/cc-pCVTZ) and complete active space with second order perturbation theory levels (CASPT2/cc-pVDZ). The energy at the critical points was refined by calculations at the CCSD(T,full)/aug-cc-pCVTZ level. The controversies found in the previous theoretical studies are critically discussed and resolved. The best estimate of the activation energy is 6.47 kJ/mol.