Groin pain syndrome: an association of different pathologies and a case presentation

Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2015 Oct 20;5(3):214-22. doi: 10.11138/mltj/2015.5.3.214. eCollection 2015 Jul-Sep.


Background: groin pain affects all types of athletes, especially soccer players. Many diseases with different etiologies may cause groin pain.

Purpose: offer a mini review of groin pain in soccer accompanied by the presentation of a case report highlighting the possible association of more clinical frameworks into the onset of groin pain syndrome, in order to recommend that clinical evaluations take into account possible associations between bone, muscle and tendon such as inguinal canal disease.

Conclusion: the multifactorial etiology of groin pain syndrome needs to be examined with a comprehensive approach, with standardized clinical evaluation based on an imaging protocol in order to evaluate all possible diseases.

Study design: Mini review- Case report (Level V).

Keywords: adductor tendinopathy; groin pain syndrome; osteitis pubis; sport hernia.