Uterine artery embolization for hemorrhage resulting from second-trimester abortion in women with scarred uterus: report of two cases

Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Aug 15;8(8):14196-202. eCollection 2015.


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of uterine artery embolization for the treatment of hemorrhage following second-trimester labor induction for women with scarred uterus. Two cases of second-trimester abortion were retrospectively reviewed, both of which had a history of caesarean delivery and were complicated by gestational anemia. One was at 18 weeks' gestation and presented with persistent vaginal bleeding for two months resulting in relatively large area of blood clot in uterine cavity. The other was at 25 weeks' gestation with partial hydatidiform mole and presented with intermittent vaginal bleeding. Both patients presented with continuous and heavy vaginal bleeding after oral administration of mifepristone for labor induction, with one cervix left unopened, while the other cervix 3 cm left dilatation, yet felt obstructed by pregnant tissue. Both patients were immediately treated with uterine artery embolization (UAE). Both patients presented with alleviated hemorrhage and regular uterine contraction after UAE, followed by smooth induction of labor. No hemorrhage occurred since then during the follow-up. The results suggest that UAE is safe and effective for the treatment of massive hemorrhage of second-trimester abortion in women with scarred uterus. It can reduce time period of labor induction and alleviate hemorrhage, which not only rescues patients but also avoids cesarean sections and retains fertility for the pregnant.

Keywords: Uterine artery embolization (UAE); abortion; massive hemorrhage; scarred uterus; second-trimester.

Publication types

  • Case Reports