Coordination polymers of Zn(II) and 5-methoxy isophthalate

Dalton Trans. 2015 Oct 28;44(40):17686-95. doi: 10.1039/c5dt02924d. Epub 2015 Sep 23.


Solvothermal reaction of Zn(OAc)2 and 5-methoxy isophthalic acid (H2MeOip) in aqueous alcohols ROH (R = H, Me, Et, or (i)Pr) affords four different novel coordination polymers. Zn2(HMeOip)(MeOip)(OAc) (1) forms as a 1D 'ribbon of rings' polymer. Zn6(MeOip)4.5(HMeOip)(OH)2(H2O)2·5.5H2O (2) crystallises as a complex 3D framework. Zn(MeOip)(H2O)2 H2O (3) is a 1D coordination polymer that contains almost planar strips of Zn(MeOip). compound 4, Zn5(MeOip)4(OH)2(H2O)4·H2O, obtained from aqueous (i)PrOH, crystallises as a 2D polymer containing two crystallographically distinct Zn5(OH)2 clusters. Preliminary nitric oxide release experiments have been conducted.