Paravertebral Block Combined with Sedation for a Myasthenic Patient Undergoing Breast Augmentation

Case Rep Anesthesiol. 2015:2015:593282. doi: 10.1155/2015/593282. Epub 2015 Aug 17.


Paravertebral block is a unilateral analgesic technique that can provide adequate surgical anesthesia and great advantages in many types of surgery with a low side-effect profile. In this case we present combination of bilateral thoracic paravertebral block under ultrasound guidance with sedation which provides complete anesthesia and postoperative analgesia in a myasthenic patient undergoing cosmetic breast surgery. In myasthenic patients paravertebral blocks may be a better option for breast surgery with avoiding the need for muscle relaxants and opioids and risk of respiratory failure in postoperative period.