Rubidium on Helium Droplets: Analysis of an Exotic Rydberg Complex for n* < 20 and 0 ≤ l ≤ 3

J Phys Chem Lett. 2012 May 17;3(10):1404-8. doi: 10.1021/jz300381y. Epub 2012 May 11.


Rubidium atom Rydberg states perturbed by helium droplets of different sizes provide insight into the role of a nanosized dielectric on the Coulomb potential. The observation of droplet size-dependent shifts of excited states with respect to bare atom states is explained by a decreased quantum defect and a lowered ionization threshold. Within the scope of a Rydberg model, we demonstrate that quantum defects and ionization potentials are constant for each specific Rydberg series, which confirms the Rydberg character of excited Rubidium states on helium droplets. A set of six Rydberg series could be identified. Individual Rydberg states are observed with effective principal quantum numbers up to n* ≈ 19 and l ≤ 3, for which the expectation value of the electron orbital radius is about 10 times larger than the droplet radius.

Keywords: Rydberg series; Rydberg state; helium cluster; helium nanodroplet; spectroscopy.