How to avoid infections in Ramadan, especially urinary tract infections

J Pak Med Assoc. 2015 May;65(5 Suppl 1):S65-7.


Prolonged and poor control of diabetes has detrimental effects on the immune system by reducing both B and T cell function, causing neutrophilic dysfunction and less production of inflammatory cytokines. This makes people with diabetes vulnerable to various bacterial, viral and fungal infections in all body organs. The commonest cause of chronic renal disease is uncontrolled diabetes, placing patients, particularly women, at high risk for recurrent and complicated urinary tract infections. Diabetic patients who opt to fast during Ramadan must be clearly counseled about keeping themselves hydrated between non-fasting hours and maintaining good glycaemic control through diet and antidiabetic drugs.

Keywords: Diabetes and infections, Kidney infections in diabetes, Ramadan, Diabetes and immune function, urinary infection in Ramadan..