Postpartum Thyroiditis

In: Endotext [Internet]. South Dartmouth (MA):, Inc.; 2000.


Postpartum thyroiditis is the term used for patients who develop painless thyroiditis in the postpartum period. It occurs within 6 months (typically 2 to 4 months) after delivery and runs a clinical course identical to that of painless thyroiditis occurring without relation to pregnancy. The clinical course of thyroid dysfunction is similar to subacute thyroiditis but with no anterior neck pain or tenderness of the thyroid. The prevalence of postpartum thyroiditis ranges from 3 to 8 per cent of all pregnancies. Most women with subclinical autoimmune thyroiditis and antithyroid microsomal antibodies of more than 1:5120 before pregnancy develop postpartum thyroiditis. After delivery, other forms of autoimmune thyroid dysfunction may also occur, including Graves' disease, transient hypothyroidism without preceding destructive thyrotoxicosis, and persistent hypothyroidism (Fig. 1).

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