Laparoscopic treatment of a spontaneously ruptured kidney (wunderlich syndrome)

Case Rep Urol. 2015:2015:701046. doi: 10.1155/2015/701046. Epub 2015 Feb 26.


Spontaneous, nontraumatic retroperitoneal hemorrhage or Wunderlich syndrome (WS) is a rare but potential life-threatening condition. In most patients a bleeding renal neoplasm is the cause of the retroperitoneal hematoma. The management of this condition includes a conservative approach in the hemodynamically stable patients and active treatment in the unstable patients. Active treatment includes angioembolization or surgery. If angioembolization is not available open surgery is in most cases the preferred approach. We present a patient with a spontaneously ruptured kidney due to a central renal angiomyolipoma, which was treated by laparoscopic nephrectomy.