Photonic spin Hall effect in dielectric metasurfaces with rotational symmetry breaking

Opt Lett. 2015 Mar 1;40(5):756-9. doi: 10.1364/OL.40.000756.


Observation of photonic spin Hall effect (SHE) in dielectric metasurfaces whose local optical axes are spatially rotated is presented. The photonic SHE manifests itself as a spin-dependent splitting in momentum space due to the space-variant Pancharatnam-Berry phase. We show that no spin-dependent splitting occurs when keeping the rotational symmetry of local optical axes. However, the splitting can be observed when the rotational symmetry is broken. The spin-dependent splitting in position space can be observed in the far field due to the high transmission efficiency of dielectric metasurfaces. Moreover, it can be enhanced by increasing the rotation rate of local optical axes in the metasurfaces.