Titanium-catalyzed reductive umpolung reactions with a metal-free terminal reducing agent

Chemistry. 2015 Apr 7;21(15):5693-6. doi: 10.1002/chem.201500102. Epub 2015 Feb 25.


A new method for titanium-catalyzed reductive umpolung reactions is reported that overcomes the traditional requirement for a stoichiometric metallic reductant. With N,N'-disilylated tetramethyldihydropyrazine as a potent organic reducing agent, reductive carbonyl-nitrile, enone-acrylonitrile and pinacol coupling reactions can be achieved in good yields and stereoselectivities. [Cp2TiI2] is a superior catalyst to [Cp2TiCl2], which is rationalized by a faster generation of the active catalyst [Cp2TiI]. A mechanism is proposed that is in agreement with the experimental results.

Keywords: homogeneous catalysis; radicals; reductive coupling; titanium; umpolung.